Women are entrepreneurs by nature. It is not an exaggeration; it is simply that we like to succeed in all the things they propose and they know how to identify where those business opportunities that have potential are. But, it is important to also understand that it is not only about having a project or an idea, but about knowing how to develop it correctly, with reasonable deadlines and with an investment that makes sense. Ann Marie Puig, an entrepreneur and philanthropist from Costa Rica, provides insight into what it takes to be a successful female entrepreneur.
You must understand that every minute of your day is worth gold. Keep in mind that when you are in the process of starting a business, you must plan absolutely everything and take care of every last detail so that everything goes according to your plans. So, days off, vacations, celebrations, and distractions are going to be off the agenda for a considerable time, at least until you get the stability you need. But, you must be calm, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the deserved success.
Discipline and organization should be your best friends. Asserts Puig, “There are women who are organized and disciplined from girls, but these are not all cases. And if you have a little trouble focusing and keeping everything in order, it’s important that you start working on it because it’s part of what you need to become a successful entrepreneur.” Look for a space that can serve as an office and where you have everything you need at hand, lean on agendas and organizers, use technology and set achievable and measurable goals in the short, medium and long term.
If you need help or support from someone, do not hesitate to ask for it. Women consider themselves self-sufficient and multitasking and can do many things at the same time. The idea is not that you recharge your work to the point that you run the risk of making silly mistakes. Asking for help when needed is not a sign of weakness, but rather of wisdom; in addition, intelligent decisions also involve understanding the importance of delegating when it is necessary and when it is necessary to solve a lot in a short time.
Surround yourself with positive, successful people who give you confidence. One of the keys to success is, without a doubt, to surround yourself with other successful women who have had positive experiences; try that your environment includes people who understand the importance of a business of their own and who have gone through similar situations from which you can nourish yourself.
In addition, it does not hurt to tell you that you should get as far away as possible – thousands of kilometers – from those companions, friends, or well-known “black clouds” that question everything and criticize it without providing solutions.
Study, read, get ready and never stop learning. “If you do not have greater knowledge about finance, business and other associated topics,” explains Puig, “it is essential that you look for information about it, that you read related books, that you enroll in a face-to-face or online course that allows you to obtain the tools you need to carry out your business.” It doesn’t matter if someone else takes care of the numbers issue because you, as the head of the company, must know these details somehow.
Attend conferences, talks and conversations about entrepreneurship. Surely where you live, there is a university, academy or association that is responsible for organizing conferences or similar activities on topics that may interest you, as they are related to your company or enterprise. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear what other women and also other men have to say about finance, economics, business opportunities, business administration or management.
Make use of everything the digital world has to offer. Many people insist that nowadays, the company that is not on the Internet simply does not exist and this, beyond a theory, is a reality that can play against you if you are not able to update yourself. Check which social network you can take advantage of to boost your business, to take it to another level, and if you do not understand much about the subject, consult with a specialist, seek advice from those who know and hire the services of companies that offer these services.
Take advantage of any opportunity to network. We are not talking about public relations as we know it, but about going much further. It is about building a great network through the exchange of information with other women entrepreneurs and involves establishing relationships with those you will need at some point in your journey.
When the time comes to choose the people who will accompany you in your project, you should not take it lightly, because it is essential to be sure that your collaborators and employees share your ideas, your values, your points of view and understand the work ethic from your standards.