Ann Marie Puig discusses how to become a more effective workforce leader

Business leadership is not self-exercised. In addition to a person with certain characteristics and skills, strategies are needed to shape and condition the needs of each organization. There are many leaders, but not all with the same degree of effectiveness and influence. The difference between them is the decisions they make when it comes to playing their role and how they relate to their work teams. Ann Marie Puig, a successful business owner and philanthropist from Costa Rica, explains what is needed for business leaders to become more effective.

Leadership strategies are usually shaped over the years and are based on the experience of those who carry them out. It is not the same as a leader with ten years of experience as another with only a few months. It is even different to put yourself at the helm of a consolidated multinational than a business that takes its first steps.

Training also influences. Business schools around the world place great emphasis on the need to develop this skill to ensure good business management and management. The livelihood of this need is more than solid; without leaders there would be no organizations.

Leadership style influences the type of relationships established at work, in the work environment, as well as being a decisive factor in achieving business objectives. Each of them has its benefits and disadvantages. In addition, depending on workers and working methods, a certain style of leadership may be more appropriate than another.

Authoritarian leaders like to be in control of everything and feel that they have the power. They are the ones who make the decisions and do not usually take into account the opinions of others. In addition, they often resort to threats and intimidation to maintain their authority. This type of behavior often creates a labor climate of tension and little participatory. However, it also creates a well-organized work environment and enables rapid decision-making.

For democratic leadership, human resources are fundamental in the organization, and it makes it look like this. Explains Puig, “These are people who take into account the opinions of others, so it values them positively and motivates them to participate in their workers. However, they also know that they are ultimately responsible for the decisions made and the repercussions they have. This style fosters a positive, participatory and collaborative work climate, but involves time for consultation that can sometimes be negative for the company.

In transactional leadership, the relationships established between the leader and his followers are understood as mere transactions, where rewards and punishments are established to reward the responses offered by the follower.

If you want to become a good leader, the first thing you need to do is know yourself, know what you are like, your virtues and flaws, your abilities, and your weaknesses. This fundamental step will help you discover what aspects to work on, what skills you need to acquire or empower to improve and become the leader you want to be. Sometimes, it can be helpful to find a coach to help you get to know you, set your goals, or a mentor to guide you, guide you, and show you how to develop your path.

Always have a positive attitude. “This quality is common among great transformational leaders,” asserts Puig. “Being optimistic is critical to overcoming daily challenges. If this attitude is added to the enthusiasm and passion for your company and your work, you will be able to infect your workers with your spirit to work together for the same goal.”

Boost your communication skills. Perhaps it is one of the most important skills that every leader must develop. Communication is key to effective business activity. So important is knowing how to talk and listen. Train your ability for active listening, your oratory skills and rehearse exercises to practice assertiveness.

Strengthen your resolute capacity. Your decision-making skills, your negotiating skills, your conflict resolution skills, your effectiveness in prioritizing, or your talent for finding creative solutions are qualities your followers expect from you. Being endowed with these capabilities will make you stand out as a leader. All these skills can be trained and enhanced through different programs and improved with practice.

Trust in your team will not only make your workers feel valued, but it will also make them more involved in the business. This trust means listening to their opinions and considering them, promoting and enhancing their participation in the working group, in order to improve processes and achieve the goals of the organization. If you offer freedom to contribute ideas and make certain decisions, workers will become more involved and more accountable. In addition, with this attitude of respect, you favor the establishment of relationships and a positive and efficient working climate.

Business leadership is something that can be empowered within an organization. Nothing is ever definitive; on the contrary, everything can be improved. Evolving towards a more optimal, effective and influential leadership model should be a permanent goal for those in these areas of leadership.