Ann Marie Puig discusses how to choose the best candidate when hiring an employee

A customary resume might be essential for any individual who’s searching for a job, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be the only input used in the hiring process from the employer’s standpoint. Some portion of the issue is that it’s human instinct to misrepresent or even commend a basic job. In any case, the greater issue is that there are a ton of things resumes can’t educate you on regarding a candidate —like whether he’s the kind of individual you need to work with or whether she’ll fit in with your organization’s style. Ann Marie Puig, a lifelong entrepreneur and philanthropist from Costa Rica, discusses different ways to know that you can hire the right candidate without relying on a resume.

The initial phase in the recruiting procedure regularly includes an application. In the tech business, where a promotion for an occupation, for the most part, brings about a high volume of utilizations, it’s important to pay close attention to how individuals handle this underlying association. Do candidates make a customized, fascinating introductory letter and catch up with an email or call seven days after the fact? Or, on the other hand, do they basically shoot their resume without setting aside the effort to communicate past that? Somebody who doesn’t set aside the effort to be “recalled” appears to be less anxious, yet is in all likelihood not a genuine up-and-comer.

One tricky approach to get rid of the candidates who are simply throwing out their introductory letters is to include an extraordinary code or a hashtag to your application. Explains Puig, “I’ve been known to state something like ‘Make certain to incorporate #icertainlydidreadthis on your introductory letter.’ I know promptly that the individuals who don’t place my unique code in their letter aren’t focusing on detail. What’s more, that reality alone reveals to me they presumably aren’t directly for us.”

At the point when you cut your limited pack of applicants down and bring in the potential candidates for interviews, you’ll unquestionably need to sit down with them and pose the standard questions, including requesting explicit models from their past work understanding. In any case, it’s usually preferable to perceive how individuals perform at work, instead of simply have them let me know.

For instance, in case you’re recruiting somebody to answer telephones, have the candidates answer a counterfeit call and perceive how they do. In case you’re searching for developers, have them refactor some code. Regardless of whether you’re searching for something less task-based, such as a venture director, you can have the applicant take a look at a venture blueprint and see what sort of inquiries or recommendations the individual in question may have.

You’ll additionally need to look past the aptitudes and experience to ensure the applicant fits well with your organization culture. Adds Puig, “At my organization, we would prefer not to see a candidate ‘behaving as well as possible’— we need to perceive how he or she will spend time with others during lunch, since that is a piece of our way of life. Each Friday, our entire groups venture out on a brief break together. It’s intended to be a great trip, so I will welcome forthcoming workers to ensure they can unwind with us—or if nothing else attempt to unwind!”

You most likely request that your candidates give references (and on the off chance that you don’t, you should); however, you need to ensure you’re utilizing these contacts to their fullest potential to get the data you need. For instance, get some information about the individual’s work execution; however, find out about the individual’s sense of humor. This can disclose to you a great deal, and apparently, won’t push you into lawful difficulty. (Request that your legitimate guidance be certain—HR laws shift from state to state.) If the individual’s all the more a genuine sort—or on the opposite finish of the range, the workplace joker—the individual in question probably won’t be a solid match for your association.

It may sound absurd with all positions, but, in the event that it’s possible, take the potential worker for a test drive before recruiting full-time. Times for testing are practically similar to temporary positions; however, better paid and increasingly genuine. They can keep going for half a month or a couple of months; however, can give you a smart thought of whether the individual is an ideal choice for your office.

It’s additionally critical to pay from a legitimate angle. The individual could have an extraordinary thought that you need to push ahead with, yet in the event that the person in question wasn’t paid and you don’t wind up making a full-time offer, you could run into lawful issues in the event that you wind up utilizing the thought.

“If you do go down this way, it’s smart to not mention the possibility of a full-time position so, if the individual doesn’t work out, it’s simpler to proceed onward to the following candidate. Make a point to plainly express that the time of work-for-recruit is for a specific number of weeks and incorporates explicit obligations,” asserts Puig.

Whenever you’re hoping to recruit, think past the resume. Resumes are extraordinary for giving a rundown of (conceivably misrepresented) aptitudes; however, constructing a successful team requires in excess of a rundown of qualities on paper.