Ann Marie Puig


Ann Marie Puig discusses digital marketing trends expected to arrive this year

As a result of the rise of content marketing, the importance of privacy and the rise of video marketing, many new marketing trends have been on the rise during the years 2021 and 2022. It is undeniable that these trends have been the driving force for significant changes in the sector. Furthermore, these new trends have had a profound impact on the way companies and brands in all fields employ digital marketing and advertising strategies to reach their target audiences in the future. Despite the many changes that are coming in 2023, Ann Marie Puig, a global business consultant and marketing expert, explains some of the trends that we will see in the upcoming year.

It is also important to note that after a significant increase in advertising expenditure in 2020, the expenditure on advertising in online media has been consolidated over the past few years. By the end of 2023, 50% of all companies will invest more than 40% of their advertising budgets in digital media and formats, a trend that is expected to continue.

There has been a great deal of focus on ultra-specialization in marketing agencies, which has led to many companies managing their marketing with a pool of agencies that is sometimes difficult to manage and can make strategic alignment extremely difficult. This has resulted in a model that is usually chaotic as a result of companies having to manage four or five different agencies.

It’s no secret that in the last two years, the marketing sector has been conditioned by the end of the pandemic and, more recently, by the conflict in Ukraine. One of the main fears of many sectors when it comes to advertising investments is inflation, which can stifle non-essential product purchases, thereby reducing the companies’ advertising expenditures.

As a result, the increase in the prices of essential products has a direct impact on sales because it reduces the purchasing power of customers. There are some metrics that are commonly used in conjunction with performance marketing, such as CPM, CPC, CPA, among others, which are correlated with shorter-term ROIs and have a greater influence on medium- and long-term actions. These metrics include CPM, CPC, CPA, etc.

Says Puig, “It is important to understand that the human-centric approach in marketing seeks to connect the consumer to the people behind that figure. They need to put their needs at the center of everything and designing strategies which allow creating more empathetic links with the audience.”

This approach has been gaining weight during 20 In 2023, the importance of this approach will only increase as more marketers adopt strategies geared toward a human-centric approach. For the marketing sector, companies and also agencies must establish a connection with their customers based on their most human side, ceasing to treat them as another sales figure and transmitting a message in line with their needs and with the values of the brand in order to build the most authentic relationship possible.

There are indeed online channels as well as offline channels, but the important thing is not so much the type of channel, but the strategy that unifies all those actions from a single perspective. Very often, when a company has omnichannel marketing, the border between digital and offline is blurred. Of course, there are online channels as well as offline channels.

Already in the years before the pandemic, we had been observing that consumers and users are shifting towards an increasingly omnichannel approach. This blurs the boundaries between the online and offline worlds.

In response to the pandemic, brands, media and agencies have been forced to form more interdisciplinary teams, which has helped to accelerate that change. In other words, it would be better to have teams that not only include professionals with specialized marketing knowledge, but also professionals from other fields, such as technology, that work in tandem.