Ann Marie Puig provides insight into choosing marketing demographics for business growth

Women are becoming a powerful force in the market, with an enormous buying power of over $5-15 trillion dollars per year and 60% or more ownership of America’s wealth. Many brands have caught onto this trend, but some tactics still fall short of effectively engaging female customers. Entrepreneur and global business consultant Ann Marie Puig has mastered how to successfully target women by breaking away from outdated stereotypes when crafting marketing messages that tap into relevant needs and triggers for her audience. She reveals tips to do just that.

When you are creating your marketing message, do not stereotype. The messages that you create and the content that you produce must always be targeted to the right audience. You must narrow down your marketing audience as much as you can. Then devise marketing plans that address the triggers and needs of that specific market.

There is an unwritten rule that prohibits tying pink to females in marketing. This is a stereotype and is a major turnoff. More than 50% of products viewed as male products are purchased by women. Marketers need to stop gendering their products and create messages that will resonate with women. When it comes to selling products, the message is more important than the product in most cases.

The key to successful marketing campaigns is to make sure your brand is visible, even in the online world of today. Explains Puig, “Social media plays a crucial role in successful marketing campaigns. You have to target your audience where they are online. A recent survey of female millennials found that 81% of them think that social media is one of the most effective marketing channels.”

There is no doubt that around 90% of women reinvest their earnings in their families and communities. In contrast, about 30%-40% of men do the same. In order to engage their communities effectively, companies should be good corporate citizens. In her opinion, “a brand which partners with a local cause is more likely to attract women consumers,” Puig states.

About 50% of these cited Facebook as the platform they preferred in order to reach their target audience. In addition, 78% said Pinterest was a good alternative.

It is true that engaging and informative content will attract attention, but marketers have to remember that it is not as effective as they might think. It must appeal to the target audience and be thought-provoking. Consequently, the female consumer will be more interested in this content and is more likely to share it with her friends and family compared to content that is only informative or entertaining.

It is important for brands to focus on the needs of their market and not just the fact that it is a “female market.” Modern females are smart and sophisticated. The target audience doesn’t have to be coddled and pandered to. Brands must instead focus on the wants and needs of their market.

There is no doubt that brands must create content that educates and entertains but that also appeals to the female audience. This will ensure that female consumers are more likely to become interested in your brand than your competitors.