Ann Marie Puig explains how businesses can optimize their workforce costs

It is undeniable that COVID-19 has had an unprecedented effect on the workforce of organizations. The labor implications of hiring freezes, reduced revenues and the need for changes in jobs and skills are affecting companies. Numerous organizations are sharing talent temporarily to balance short-term talent excess and shortages. Ann Marie Puig, an expert in business […]
Ann Marie Puig provides some of the marketing trends coming to eCommerce in 2022

If the digital world has shown us anything, it is that marketing trends are constantly changing and we must adapt to them in order to continue creating effective strategies. The COVID-19 pandemic made it clear that consumer customs, trends and successful marketing strategies change from one day to the next, and it is increasingly important […]
Ann Marie Puig discusses the advance of contactless payments in Latin America

Contactless payments, with which it is only necessary to bring the card or mobile device to the reader to pay for the purchase for a few seconds, are growing exponentially worldwide year after year, and the countries of the Latin American region are beginning to join this unstoppable trend. Ann Marie Puig, a lifelong entrepreneur […]
Ann Marie Puig discusses how to keep employees motivated during the holiday period

That time of year is approaching where music, lights and Christmas decorations take over the streets, shops and houses. The Christmas spirit is felt in the air. Employers cannot be oblivious to the joy of the time and can take advantage to motivate the employees of their company. Ann Marie Puig, a successful entrepreneur and […]
Ann Marie Puig offers insight into some of the Human Resource trends coming in 2022

Many claim that 2022 will be a pivotal year, so only agile organizations that truly manage their culture will be able to gain a competitive advantage. Ann Marie Puig, a successful entrepreneur and philanthropist from Costa Rica, discusses some of the trends that are expected to be seen in employee management and human resources (HR) […]