Ann Marie Puig offers an in-depth perspective on creating a more inviting work environment

The majority of companies know that caring for their employees will have a direct impact on increased productivity and performance, which ultimately translates into business profits. However, most companies are unable to identify, or create effective welfare programs and measures, the impact of which can always be measured in business indicators. Ann Marie Puig, an entrepreneur and philanthropist from Costa Rica, understands what is necessary to create a better work environment and shares her expertise.

The care and wellbeing of employees has long been the outstanding subject of companies. However, since the pandemic declaration, most companies have begun to put more focus on protecting the health of their employees, with the aim of promoting their wellbeing, productivity and performance. It is true that wage stagnation is envisaged, which is why companies are incorporating new measures and incentives with the aim of caring for their employees, fostering their sense of belonging.

Stress is one of the health problems to which we must pay greater attention since the importance of its consequences is very great. “Managing or preventing it in the workplace, and more in a crisis situation like the current one, will help companies maintain an adequate level of mental and physical health with their employees by preventing an explosion on the rates of absenteeism,” says Puig.

Practicing physical exercise, a maximum of four days a week, improves work performance by a percentage of 300%. Business owners and operators should instill in their workforces the importance of physical exercise to improve their wellbeing.

Putting in place measures (after listening to the collective involved) to reconcile working hours and personal lives is one of the guidelines that generally makes the employee feel better. Explains Puig, “Allowing time flexibility, offering the option of teleworking, giving birthday off or even having babysitting service are some of the options that professionals value most, as well as boosting productivity and a sense of safety among employees.”

A worker is no better professional or more involved with the company for being in his or her position longer. The culture of ‘heating the chair’ and no one moving until the boss leaves is very common; however, productivity has been shown to wane as the day goes on. That’s why encouraging measures such as telework or targeted work are practices that are well accepted by employees.

The large number of hours we spend working make workplace comfort a vital factor for most employees. This is, for example, because it has an ergonomic chair, a powerful computer, updated software. But, businesses can still go further. “At this point we could talk, for example, about launching wellness and health programs. Or, we could talk about measures such as acoustic and light reconditioning of workspaces, or actions that help improve the working climate such as meetings, retreats, team building, workshops, etc.,” says Puig.

The motivation and involvement of workers in the objectives of the company are fundamental pillars for the positive functioning of a business. Valuing talent is the first step in retaining it, but knowing how isn’t always easy. Through public recognition of your objectively valued achievements, with measurement tools. No one is bitter about a pat on the back and it’s the entrepreneur’s job to know how and when to do it. Many workers are frustrated because their bosses only recognize or seem to notice the screw-ups. However, it is vital for the employee’s wellbeing to value their efforts, efforts, commitment and alignment with corporate values.

These are some measures that companies can take to promote the wellbeing of workers. However, not all companies will require such measures. It will always be necessary for the managers and supervisors to carry out a detailed analysis and pre-acting evaluation.